is caused by clogged pores due to overactive oil glands. Although many
medical experts who denied any connection between acne with the food we
eat, there's no harm in avoiding some foods that supposedly can trigger
Here are some foods can cause acne:
1. Sugar and Chocolate
may be one of the most food trigger acne. Archives of Dermatology
published a study which explains that the food has a high Glycemic Index
scale, usually in processed carbohydrates such as sugar can cause the
appearance of acne due to increased hormone levels.
2. Milk
studies show a high milk intake may be associated with the appearance
of acne. A Harvard study found that teens who drink milk more than two
servings a day are more likely to suffer from severe acne. That is
because the increase in growth hormone which causes the sebaceous glands
in the skin become clogged.
3. Iodine
may be one factor in the appearance of acne, such as skin oil glands
which can irritate skin that is prone to acne. Iodine can be found in
fish and shellfish because sea water contains iodine. In addition other
sources comes from iodized salt which is a component of several types of
canned food.
4.Caffeine and Alcohol
is considered to trigger the appearance of acne because it can affect
hormone levels produced by the body. Some sources of caffeine are
coffee, tea, soft drinks, and chocolate. In addition, alcohol also
causes an increase in hormones, particularly testosterone can cause acne
more often.
5. Food Allergy Triggers
problems often arise due to food allergies, especially milk and eggs.
Acne appears due to the immune system tries to fight the poison that is
felt. An allergist has diagnosed and confirmed the relationship of food
allergy with severe acne.
6. Fruit and Vegetable Characteristically Acid
fruits and vegetables that are acidic can cause the appearance of acne,
such as carrots, cucumbers, oranges, and lettuce. The acidity of the
body can cause the appearance of acne, because it should be avoided.
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